Offering breathing techniques to create a calm and empowered state in your body during your pregnancy
Your breath controls physiologically what is happening in your body. Short and tight breaths put your body into a stress response, whereas expansive circular breathing allows your parasympathetic nervous system to be deactivated to achieve a feeling of calm and positivity.
During Breathwork sessions we put the body into a blissfully peaceful and empowered state, and in this fertile state we can create new positive thought processes about your birth and pregnancy.
Breathwork is incredibly potent healing modality to create a wonderful state in which your mind and body can thrive.
Having the tools to know how the breath can help increase happiness, reduce depression, reduce anxiety, detox our body and empower us into feeling confident in the knowledge that we can combat anything that’s thrown our way is SO liberating.
After studying Re-birthing breathwork with the internationally ronowneded Global Breathing Academy, I became passionate about helping women release anxiety and tension whilst pregnant. Rebirthing includes the study of pregnancy and birth and birth trauma, with the focus on the mother and the baby. How to keep the body in a wonderful state during pregnancy and how to release anxiety and trauma from a cellular level within the body. Learning the ways in which we can reduce birth trauma and the importance of a calm internal environment using the breath was both empowering and liberating.
Gentle circular breathing (with an emphasis on gentle) into the heart gently puts the body into a wonderful state. It can be a blissful and empowering experience

“Peace is not the absence of chaos, but rather finding yourself in the midst of that chaos and remaining calm in your heart.”
― John Mroz